Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Read this because...well...YOLO!

Two blogs in one day? Man I must really need to discuss this topic.  And by discuss, I mean rant about how stupid it is. 

I have no idea how many people actually know of "YOLO" or what it even means.  But when I found out I seriously wanted to punch the stupid little teenage girl who made it up.  Because lets be real, no adult is going to make that shit up.  YOLO.  You only live once.  Really?  Are you THAT lazy that you just can't type it out? (I have this same feeling about "smh", because who the shit actually says that? "I'm shaking my head right now." no one. Absolutely no one says that.)

It might not even be the message of YOLO that pisses me off.  Maybe it is, I have no idea.  It's more likely the WAY people use it.  Example.  Have a one night stand last night that you would have other wise regretted? Meh. YOLO!  Going on a cool trip to somewhere you've never been before?? YOLO! Committed some sort of crime and got arrested.  No worries here! YOLO!

Fucking. Retarded.  It hurts my head when people use it.  Seriously.  Everyone in this world is fully aware that you only live your life once.  No need to make up a stupid ass abbreviation for the phrase and say it every two seconds.  Going in the kitchen to make a sandwich! YOLO!

Seriously.  Stop using it.  And lets get rid of SMH while we're at it because that is equally stupid. 

I think that covers it. 

The beginning of my future.

I'm gonna level with everyone here.  In high school...when everyone was scrambling to apply to colleges and figure out what "forever" was going to become...I was sitting around just waiting to graduate.  I have no freaking idea why I didn't bother trying to figure out what I wanted to "be".  Maybe because I already knew? I also knew it was pretty impossible.  What 17 year old from Hanover, Pennsylvania is going to become some hot-shot super star? Not this gal! But hey, at 17 I thought it was do-able.  So here I am at 17..graduated...all my friends are off to college and I'm twiddling my thumbs having no idea what's going on.  Why did I wait!? I seriously didn't even know how to go about applying for college let alone what I wanted to DO for the rest of my life.  I was a teenager.  How the shit do people expect a teenager to figure out what they are going to want to do for the rest of their lives??? It's stupid, that's what it is.  So of course after realizing that I hated school and didn't want to go back for any reason...I worked.  And I worked my ass off.  At one point in time I had 4 job titles going.  I worked at American Eagle, and then I worked 3 different areas in Texas Roadhouse...most of which I did at least 2 jobs a day during the week and all 3 on the weekends.  I guess I figured if I wasn't going to school, this sure as shit would make up for it.  Anyway, we are getting off topic here.

Eventually I gave in and decided I have to at least take classes.  Anything would work.  Off to community college I go! (or at HACC, better known as "just like fucking high school except you pay for this shit").  Seriously, it was just like high school.  And after two short semesters I was back into my "screw this" mentality.  I have zero patience for things that get me no where really fast.  When I met my husband I kind of just gave up.  (Prior to meeting him not when I met him). It was so pointless to keep trying to find something I loved as much as music.  That would NEVER happen, so why was I trying to pretend it would? And lets face it even if I did settle on a career, I freaking hate school so much I would have talked myself out of doing it anyway.  Putting myself in debt to suffer through something I despise made no sense to me.  So I never did it.

Here I am though, almost 25 years old...married with a beautiful daughter...and it hit me.  I figured it out.  I do want to learn more about something. I actually want a career...I don't want to be a stay at home mom forever like I thought I did.  What is happening to me?! My poor husband came back from deployment to an entirely new person and I keep changing.  For the better though, so he can't complain. I was thinner, had more confidence, I was happier and stronger.  I was a better mom, a better wife, and now I get to make our lives better by becoming something MORE. Tomorrow I get my textbook in, and I get to start studying my butt off to become a Personal Trainer.  I want to change people the way I was changed.  I was miserable and felt worthless.  Just by eating better and working out I am a completely different person.  who wouldn't want that? I want to help people understand they are worth something.  Because I didn't know I was worth anything until someone showed me.  I finally found something I love...that I'm passionate about...that allows me to help people.  I'd say this is pretty damn perfect for me.  It only took 25 years...better late than never.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What inspires you?

Let's try this again. I had an entire blog written out and I was quite proud of it and BAM, it disappeared. Needless to say I wasn't excited...so here we go for round two.

To be perfectly honest I can't remember how I began the blog or even where I was going with it. So my mind is kind of wondering instead of focusing on just creating something new. Basically I want to address the topic of inspiration. Of motivation. What gets you out of bed every day? What gets you to work everyday? To the gym? Some people may be able to easily answer and get on with their day. Other people may have no idea what motivates them. I, for one, didn't have any inspiration until about 4 or 5 months ago. For anything. I was lazy, I only did the things I HAD to do. It was actually quite sad. I let every single part of me go. I sort of just stopped caring. I think I accepted that I would just be big and miserable forever.

I don't know what snapped. It may have been the women who asked me if my husband would be present for the birth of our second child. It might have been how absolutely shitty I felt everyday. It may have even been the fact that I couldn't keep up with my daughter to even simply play on the floor. I was "too tired" for any of it. I was in a really bad place. And i got out.

Shout out to Stephen Porter who took whatever little bit of ambition, inspiration & motivation I had found and blew it up into something huge. It only takes a LITTLE BIT. Just enough to get going. And mind you, i'm not just talking about going to the gym or eating better...i'm talking about anything YOU want to do. Not trying is the worst thing you can do. "i cant do it" shouldn't exist in anyone's vocabulary. My father told me that my entire life growing up. "never say you can't do something". And he was right. Parents are always right. There is NOTHING that I am incapable of doing.

So. What is my inspiration and motivation now? Besides the obvious..my husband and daughter...I am my inspiration. There is nothing more inspiring to yourself than when you do something you didn't think you were capable of. It's infectious. My point? Find your inspiration. Go on a hunt for it. Don't stop until you figure out what it is and use it to fight for whatever you want. Anyone can do anything they want to do. You just have to want it bad enough.

Fight hard, and keep fighting. The beginning is the hardest.

Friday, April 13, 2012

We're moving to Europe. Don't hate.

Try as I might I don't think I can express in words the feeling I got when Dan called to tell me we are moving to Italy. ITALY. No, it still hasn't sunk in. The opportunities our daughter will have, and the beautiful things we will get to experience still seem completely surreal. But alas, it's happening. Of course our family is upset..we are taking this gorgeous, hilarious little girl forever away from them and that's a jagged pill to swallow...but she will become an amazing woman for these experiences. And seriously, who the hell would NOT want to move to Europe? To be honest I am still terrified. It's a loooong way away, without knowing anyone, and raising a child. It takes a strong relationship and an open mind. Thank God Dan and I have both of those things. Obviously this blog will take a turn into stories about all of our travels and experiences when we get there (and of course along the way). My goal is to make everyone so jealous that they come and visit and least once! ;)