Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What inspires you?

Let's try this again. I had an entire blog written out and I was quite proud of it and BAM, it disappeared. Needless to say I wasn't here we go for round two.

To be perfectly honest I can't remember how I began the blog or even where I was going with it. So my mind is kind of wondering instead of focusing on just creating something new. Basically I want to address the topic of inspiration. Of motivation. What gets you out of bed every day? What gets you to work everyday? To the gym? Some people may be able to easily answer and get on with their day. Other people may have no idea what motivates them. I, for one, didn't have any inspiration until about 4 or 5 months ago. For anything. I was lazy, I only did the things I HAD to do. It was actually quite sad. I let every single part of me go. I sort of just stopped caring. I think I accepted that I would just be big and miserable forever.

I don't know what snapped. It may have been the women who asked me if my husband would be present for the birth of our second child. It might have been how absolutely shitty I felt everyday. It may have even been the fact that I couldn't keep up with my daughter to even simply play on the floor. I was "too tired" for any of it. I was in a really bad place. And i got out.

Shout out to Stephen Porter who took whatever little bit of ambition, inspiration & motivation I had found and blew it up into something huge. It only takes a LITTLE BIT. Just enough to get going. And mind you, i'm not just talking about going to the gym or eating better...i'm talking about anything YOU want to do. Not trying is the worst thing you can do. "i cant do it" shouldn't exist in anyone's vocabulary. My father told me that my entire life growing up. "never say you can't do something". And he was right. Parents are always right. There is NOTHING that I am incapable of doing.

So. What is my inspiration and motivation now? Besides the husband and daughter...I am my inspiration. There is nothing more inspiring to yourself than when you do something you didn't think you were capable of. It's infectious. My point? Find your inspiration. Go on a hunt for it. Don't stop until you figure out what it is and use it to fight for whatever you want. Anyone can do anything they want to do. You just have to want it bad enough.

Fight hard, and keep fighting. The beginning is the hardest.

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