Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Read this because...well...YOLO!

Two blogs in one day? Man I must really need to discuss this topic.  And by discuss, I mean rant about how stupid it is. 

I have no idea how many people actually know of "YOLO" or what it even means.  But when I found out I seriously wanted to punch the stupid little teenage girl who made it up.  Because lets be real, no adult is going to make that shit up.  YOLO.  You only live once.  Really?  Are you THAT lazy that you just can't type it out? (I have this same feeling about "smh", because who the shit actually says that? "I'm shaking my head right now." no one. Absolutely no one says that.)

It might not even be the message of YOLO that pisses me off.  Maybe it is, I have no idea.  It's more likely the WAY people use it.  Example.  Have a one night stand last night that you would have other wise regretted? Meh. YOLO!  Going on a cool trip to somewhere you've never been before?? YOLO! Committed some sort of crime and got arrested.  No worries here! YOLO!

Fucking. Retarded.  It hurts my head when people use it.  Seriously.  Everyone in this world is fully aware that you only live your life once.  No need to make up a stupid ass abbreviation for the phrase and say it every two seconds.  Going in the kitchen to make a sandwich! YOLO!

Seriously.  Stop using it.  And lets get rid of SMH while we're at it because that is equally stupid. 

I think that covers it. 


  1. Your rants are my entertainment for the day. But I totally agree with you. Hell many of the abbreviations kids use nowadays because they are too lazy to say it, or type it out, irritate me to no end. I swear the average IQ of kids today is just getting lower and lower...with things being made so easy for them. When me and you are retired, those are the kids who will be running this damn country. I really hope something changes before then.

  2. Man i know. I seriously can't imagine what it's going to be like. They don't think for themselves, they don't bother to read or play outside or learn. They watch tv, play video games & sit online. Dan & I decided our kids would grow up like we did. Restrictions on tv & internet, no cell phone until they are at least 16 or can pay for it themselves. They will PLAY OUTSIDE. It's insane how kids are now-a-days.

  3. You mean to tell me this is it?!?! Damn! I better get out there and LIU....wait a second

  4. hahaha, I never know what all those abbreviations mean! I didn't even know what smh meant until I googled it!!!
